Amazon Seller Central
MacPac Fulfillment is able to fulfill for Amazon FBA Seller Central. When using FBA, a subset of Seller Central, the products are sent to Amazon and then to customers. For more information on the differences please see our other blog post, Amazon FBA vs Seller vs Vendor.
We typically fulfill FBA Seller Central orders on Wednesday through Friday. To get started, please give your account manager Admin access to your FBA account, and then you can email us the quantity of products you’d like us to ship. We’ll prep the shipment in FBA for you and handle the rest from there. Our goal is to make this process as quick and easy for you as we can.
If you are interested in MacPac fulfilling for you on FBA Seller Central these are a couple of policies you will need to be aware of:
MacPac will begin processing Seller Central/FBA orders on Wednesday and will begin preparing the orders on Thursday. This is because on Mondays through Wednesdays our focus is on fulfilling Vendor Central orders. Seller Central comes second to Vendor Central orders.
You can create the shipment for your orders or, more than likely, they can be created by our team. Please chat with your account manager for more detail on this
We're excited to help you with your Amazon Fulfillment needs. To get in touch, visit our contact page!